Use this tool to calculate how your salary will grow over time based on an annual pay raise. Adjust the salary, raise percentage, and the number of years to see how your pay increases, including breakdowns for different pay periods such as weekly, monthly, and hourly.

Salary Details
This tool calculates your new salary after a pay raise. Adjust the increase rate and years to see how your salary grows over time.
Here’s how each salary breakdown is calculated:
  • Hourly: Based on a 40-hour workweek, calculated as Salary / 2080 (52 weeks * 40 hours per week).
  • Weekly: Based on a full year with 52 weeks, calculated as Salary / 52.
  • Bi-Weekly: Calculated as Salary / 26 (52 weeks / 2, for bi-weekly pay periods).
  • Semi-Monthly: Calculated as Salary / 24 (12 months * 2, for semi-monthly pay periods).
  • Monthly: Calculated as Salary / 12 (12 months in a year).
  • Annually: The total salary for the entire year (just the annual salary).